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Collection of sourcing and recruitment related feeds

RSS Sourcing Games Picks

  • WhatsApp and Facebook…Time for moderated groups only ??? Admins to be legally responsible..
    If you are an admin for a Facebook or Whats app group… you are responsible for any fake news, disturbing content  etc.This essentially means you will have to moderate every post that goes on your book… With the given bandwitdh of admins.. a lot of groups may shut down.Read the original post here Similar postsWhatsApp, Facebook […]
  • Crossword- Corebanking – software 1
    ACROSS3 – Formerly known as iflex solutions7 – Suite of retail banking operations from FIS8 – SAP core banking application module9 – An integrated, multi-currency, multi-lingual universal banking system from Misys10 – T24 for Microfinance and Community Banking11 – T24 for Microfinance and Community Banking was earlier known as12 – The flagship product of temenos […]

RSS Sourcing Adda

  • WhatsApp Group Chat – Different IT Techniques used to simplify the HR Process for HR
    In today’s hyper-connected digital world and the pace at which technology is evolving; keeping up is next to impossible especially since the response time has become instantaneous. Add to that most organisations have a lot of tasks that require HRs to spend valuable time on multiple tasks. They are expected to micromanage even redundant tasks […]
  • WhatsApp Group Chat – Various types of Psychometric Tests used in HR
    The Talent Acquisition process includes various types of Psychometric Tests used in HR to capture the desired Talent. As Talent Magnets we’re well aware of the type of Talent that’s available and sometimes including Psychometric Assessments as a part of the hiring just might lead you to the perfect candidate. It minimises the time and […]


  • Compliance Training Doesn’t Have to Be Boring May 18, 2018
    The modern workplace expects employees to be flexible, accessible and fast moving. Shouldn’t the same apply to online compliance training? Yes, and the good news is that compliance training is breaking out of its boring lane. Traditionally, organizations have used…

    Jeffrey Frankel

  • Confused by All the Software? So Is Everyone May 18, 2018
    If you strive to keep up to date with HR technology, you’ll continually run into new categories. For example, there are a whole host of vendors who offer tools to enable video interviewing hence “Video Interviewing Software” has become a…

    David Creelman

RSS Recruiting Blogs

  • Uniformity Of Laws for Nurse Practitioners Across All States May 17, 2018
    The time has come for all 50 states to properly govern the licensure, scope of practice and prescribing laws for Nurse Practitioners to ensure uniformity across all states. Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice laws must not only be nationally uniform; they need to be broadened. Because of the shortage of primary care physicians, Nurse Practitioners […]

    Cynthia Doyle

  • How you can attract good talents through story telling May 17, 2018
    Storytelling plays a crucial role in our society. We all love to hear a good story. Its popularity is prevalent since the dawn of mankind and it still plays an equally important role in the modern society. Over the years the mode and platform of storytelling has evolved by it is still quite effective in […]

    Yelena Hopper

RSS Recruiting Daily

  • What’s holding chatbots back? May 18, 2018
    We recently came across a company in the cloud security space that had developed their own chatbot internally. They wanted it to save time both in customer success and talent acquisition (external and internal), so it became an internal priority and was completed pretty fast. The problem: “pretty fast” is not always good on new […]

    Ted Bauer

  • The ghost of employees past (and why it matters for new searches) May 18, 2018
    Recruiters are searching in every nook and cranny for new talent pools this year.   In fact, 67 percent of rapidly growing companies listed finding new talent pools as their highest priority in the recent 2018 Growth Hiring Trends in the United States report from my team here at Spark Hire.   But this talent acquisition search has major roadblocks. Even with a strong focus on talent pools, respondents also identified a lack of qualified candidates as the biggest […]

    Josh Tolan

RSS Security Through Education

  • Ep. 105- It’s Not Who You Know with Jordan Harbinger May 14, 2018
    How do you start over after a bad business break up? Is the old adage “It’s not what you know but who you know” really true?  Old guest and podcast friend, Jordan Harbinger joins us to discuss. May 14, 2018 Contents Download Get Involved Download Ep. 105- It’s Not Who You Know with Jordan Harbinger […]


  • Social-Engineer Newsletter Vol 08 – Issue 104 May 8, 2018
    Vol 08 Issue 104 May 2018 In This Issue Two-Factor or Not Two-Factor? Why is This a Question? Social-Engineer News Upcoming classes As a member of the newsletter you have the option to OPT-IN for special offers. You can click here to do that. Check out the schedule of upcoming training on 21-25 May, […]


RSS Sourcecon

  • Compliance Training Doesn’t Have to Be Boring May 18, 2018
    The modern workplace expects employees to be flexible, accessible and fast moving. Shouldn’t the same apply to online compliance training? Yes, and the good news is that compliance training is breaking out of its boring lane. Traditionally, organizations have used…

    Jeffrey Frankel

  • Confused by All the Software? So Is Everyone May 18, 2018
    If you strive to keep up to date with HR technology, you’ll continually run into new categories. For example, there are a whole host of vendors who offer tools to enable video interviewing hence “Video Interviewing Software” has become a…

    David Creelman

RSS Recruiting Live Podcast

  • What’s holding chatbots back? May 18, 2018
    We recently came across a company in the cloud security space that had developed their own chatbot internally. They wanted it to save time both in customer success and talent acquisition (external and internal), so it became an internal priority and was completed pretty fast. The problem: “pretty fast” is not always good on new […]

    Ted Bauer

  • The ghost of employees past (and why it matters for new searches) May 18, 2018
    Recruiters are searching in every nook and cranny for new talent pools this year.   In fact, 67 percent of rapidly growing companies listed finding new talent pools as their highest priority in the recent 2018 Growth Hiring Trends in the United States report from my team here at Spark Hire.   But this talent acquisition search has major roadblocks. Even with a strong focus on talent pools, respondents also identified a lack of qualified candidates as the biggest […]

    Josh Tolan

RSS RFP Podcast

  • Ep 128: The Future Of Careers Sites May 18, 2018
    In this week’s episode Matt Alder talks to Ben Gledhill, Head of Resourcing at Yodel, about the future of corporate Careers Sites The post Ep 128: The Future Of Careers Sites appeared first on The Recruiting Future Podcast.


  • Ep 127: The Future Of LinkedIn May 11, 2018
    In this week’s episode Matt speaks to John Jersin, Head of Product of LinkedIn Talent Solutions about the future of Talent Acquisition The post Ep 127: The Future Of LinkedIn appeared first on The Recruiting Future Podcast.


RSS Recruiting Tools Podcast

RSS Economic Times – Jobs

RSS Gadgetsnow

RSS Techcrunch

  • NASA’s newest planet-hunting satellite takes a stellar first test image May 18, 2018
    TESS, the satellite launched by NASA last month that will search thousands of stars for Earth-like exoplanets, has just sent back its first test image. It’s just a quick one, not “science-quality,” but it does give you an idea of the scale of the mission: the area TESS will eventually document is 400 times the […]

    Devin Coldewey

  • Does Google’s Duplex violate two-party consent laws? May 18, 2018
    Google’s Duplex, which calls businesses on your behalf and imitates a real human, ums and ahs included, has sparked a bit of controversy among privacy advocates. Doesn’t Google recording a person’s voice and sending it to a datacenter for analysis violate two-party consent law, which requires everyone in a conversation to agree to being recorded? […]

    Devin Coldewey